
The Word of the Day for April 2 is:
meshuggener \muh-SHUG-uhner\ noun
: a foolish or crazy person

example:  I am a meshuggener because its 10:15 pm and I'm having coffee.

    Seriously I feel like a bum.  I didn't work out today, didn't crochet or edit photos.  I didn't even read, which was one thing I was guaranteeing myself of doing this weekend.  Didn't didn't didn't, big fat EFF.  However by chance I did find the soundtrack to Black Swan, that's a plus, along with the amazing shower I just took accompanied by all the LUSH products:  BIG,  Its Raining Men, Veganese and to smell (even more) pretty I dabbed on some Lust (which I love, thank you Wifey). 
    I suppose its not all bad, just bummed I didn't do my workout mostly.  Seeing as how I've just induced myself with some coffee and the quiet house has my mind on overdrive, I'll probably be up a while and hopefully get some stuff done online.  Fingers crossed.


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