
Damn her!

    How did she know about my weakness for nebulas?

I just don't want to like her, for some reason.  But she's had some fashion hits and g'dammit some music that I find myself listening to.  Talk to you later, I'm gonna watch this a few more times and dream of having deer legs.


Ohh Happy Day!!!

  • HBD Christopher Walken '43, Rhea Perlman '48, Al Gore '48 & Ewan McGregor '71
  • HBD to Robert Bunsen as well.  Todays Google doodle is in celebration of his 200th Birthday

  • I got a list of the 15 Most Disturbing Films Ever Made, 10 of which I've seen already
  • Glamour brings up the idea of wearing statement shoes for spring 
  • I love hot sauce of all sorts and I loved Sriracha before it had a cookbook, but I won't judge :)
  • Terry Richardsons new Aldo video & you should check out the link at the bottom as well
  • My lil' cousin Charlie is too damn cute: "At the bus stop this morning, Charlie asked me if his hair looked like Justin Beiber's. I told him he has his own unique style. But for the record, I have Charlie Fever!!!"

  • Todays M-W Word of the Day is:   Osculate  \AHSS-kyuh-layt\  verb:  kiss
  • And we mustn't forget:
Happy Opening Day!!!




    Not a big cat person, but I was on a hunt for a sweet photo project and found some pretty felines.  If I ever took the leap into owning one I'd want a hairless cat, hands down.  I mean, they're just so sassy looking and full of character:
i lovethems'much
This guy could be in my future!


I Bring You Tidings of Joy & Sadness

    Lets go ahead and get the sad out of the way.  I was informed via a friend via Facebook, that Maggie Mudd is closing their doors on April 3rd.  Granted I haven't been in about a year, but this ice cream is amazing and vegan friendly, which is how I came to know of it, thanks to Chris.  The article says that the location is bad and that their doors may return at a different spot later on but I think part of the reason its so likable is that its out there and I always enjoyed the hunt for a place to park, it made the reward of amazing ice cream that much better!  The creamcicle milkshakes were to die for and their sundaes!!! MM, you will be missed.

    Now to recover from that blow, I'd like to first bring up a movie that I'm super jazzed about seeing; 

    It looks gorgeous, the cinematography is going to be absolutely stunning coupled with amazing actors.  Sean Penn is one of my most favorite actors, every movie he has done has got me emotionally charged;  Dead Man Walking,  I Am Sam,  Mystic River,  At Close Range:

When I saw Live To Tell as a kid, I was obsessed with seeing the movie and it wasn't til the last 8 years or so that I actually bought it and finally watched it, I definitely recommend it.  But that's me getting off track, point is Sean Penn* is brilliant and I can't wait to see him in another movie.  Yes, of course Brad is a fairly decent actor himself and not hard on the eyes so I guess I'm excited about him as well.  Point is this movie is going to be one to see and talk about, you just get a soothing feeling watching the previews (at least I do) and it also makes me want to watch The Fountain lol, not that I need an excuse because I watch it like its my job as it is already.  But the cinematography & the Tree of Life combo, yeah.  This movie is probably going to be one of those I can watch non stop.  Be excited, be be excited!

    Another rad thing that actually happened last night was the second annual Runway To Green.  A fundraiser with help of major designers that donates a portion of the proceeds to environmental organizations.  I was seeing random tweets from Coco & Net-A-Porter about the auctions, specifically the front row seats to a Chanel show & meeting Karl and dinner with Harrison Ford (I'd be down Docta Jones!)  Its a pretty rad thing, and you can now buy the runway looks on Net-A-Porter and help the cause(s).

    Ok, in random web cruising I see a sidebar headline "Scarlett & Sean make it official..."!  Wow, what?  Ok, I don't dislike Scarlett Johanson, but this is just weird to me.  Also the article I read said "Both are coming off unsuccessful marriages --to Ryan Reynolds and Robin Wright."  I'm sorry, I thought Sean & Robin were quite successful with 14 years together, but that could just be me.



My cousins are rad.

    I meant to post this yesterday but didn't get around to it.  I would just like to brag about how awesome my cousins are, along with being adorable.  I give you  Spencer, Felix & Charlie:


M'fuckin Music Monday!!!

    Last week consisted of an enormous amount of Mike Patton, which is never a bad thing.  This week, I'm just doing a cluster fuck of stuff, no rhyme or reason.
  • Ida Maria - See Me Through
  • Elbow - With Love
  • Boom Bip & Doseone  -  The Birdcatcher's Return
  • fun.
  • 30 Seconds To Mars - Hurricane (whole This Is War album is AMAZING)
  • Dirty Dancing OST - I've been dancing around the house for 3 days straight
  • The Commitments OST

        Which will lead me into movies and my urging you to go see

    • The Commitments asap!  It is one of the best movies you will ever see, I'm a huge fan of UK/Irish humor and film.  Its a group of random folk who've been scouted out to start a band, and every character is a riot, my favorite has always been Deco.  Now let me tell you how oblivious I was to exactly how amazing he is, the actor Andrew Strong was 16 when this film was made.  The voice and attitude that comes out of this guy is unreal, I absolutely love it.  So do yourself a solid and rent / buy / watch this movie.
    • The Young Ones - The whole series, brilliance.  When I was little, this was one of my favorite shows to watch, and about 8 years ago my mom surprised me with the Every Stoopid Episode box set!  Vyvyan was my favorite (huge crush) then Rick (who most will know as Fred), the cast in general is just hilarious. 
    • Hanna is just going to be awesome, good cast, amazing soundtrack done entirely by The Chemical Brothers AND my inner turmoil trend, bleached brows.  I had completely forgot about this until I saw a preview for it on tv about a week ago.  Let me say that I'm THRILLED for this.  Saoirse is such a good lil' actress, I just love her.
        That'll be it for now.  Time to dance around, work out and listen to an Janet / Gaga infused playlist.




    (via thehonestyrevolution.tumblr)

    I pick the fella all the way to the right. You others can suck it!

    Zombie Boy

    I just found out via stumbling upon a tumblr dedicated to him, that Rico is actually tattooed that way.  Now see, I have only watched the video a couple times and although he was in one of the parts that stuck out to me, there was no reason I would have thought that he was actually tattooed like a zombie.  I think its pretty amazing, I love his jaw and the bugs crawling on his brain and the centipede crawling around his left ear.  He said he did it because of Bazooka Joe gum, and loving the tattoos when he was little, he'd stick them all over himself.



    1 Year & 1 Day Ago...

        I love my Phillies.


        I have a hard time sticking to doing just ONE thing at a time, and when it comes to being on the computer 75% of the time I'll want to have a movie going.  My problem with that is:  I can never decide!
    • I want to watch whats on my Netflix queue
    • Too many foreign flix that I can't get around to, because I'll be occupied with editing photos, crocheting, blogging, something.  
    • When I pick a documentary, I want to actually watch and pay attention
    • Sometimes I want to see whats new in theaters & I'll see if I can find it, therefor I hunt
    Its just a pain because, if I haven't seen it, I want to give it a fair amount of attention and if I have seen it, that must mean I liked enough to want to watch it again therefore I get sucked into at least 3/4 of the film.  SO, a couple years ago in my search of a random movie to watch I found this gem of a site, Listen To A Movie.  I swear to you, this is a godsend for an indecisive person like myself.  You have a decent amount of flix to pick from and when you pick one, a little player pops up.
        Right now I happen to be listening to Toy Story (along with quoting most of it) and working on a beanie, all the while I am NOT being distracted by watching anything.  I simply picked a favorite movie and the audio is entertaining me, alas I am a happy camper.

        That'll be all for now,  I actually may listen to Big Fish and crawl in bed shortly.  If I keep Toy Story on, I'll just lay in bed quoting the whole thing when I could be drifting off into slumber thinking of young Edward Bloom :)
    I was thinking about death and all. About seeing how you’re gonna die. I mean, on one hand, if dying was all you thought about, it could kind of screw you up. But it could kind of help you, couldn’t it? Because you’d know that everything else you can survive.
    -edward bloom 



    TGIFaith No More

        Weirdly amused by the little insignificant facts in life, I thought I'd start by sharing this one:  Original lead singer of Faith No More, Chuck Mosley, AND Mike Patton were both born on January 27th exactly 10 years apart.   I'm incredibly thankful for this band, I think I can say this is the band I remember listening to since the 80s.  It brings back when I lived in AZ, my family, fun times when I worked at a music store and continually makes me happy every single time I hear them.

        Starting with a classic song, and the video in which I fell madly in love with Mike Patton.  Rumors went around that the goldfish at the end was Bjorks fish she had left at a house after a party, but its never been confirmed.  I like to just go with it and believe.  Stripsearch is just a sultry song, may just be Mikes voice but me-OW, it makes me all warm.

        All in all, you simply cannot deny that Mike Patton is a musical genius with a great voice and that Faith No More was a pioneer in the music industry.  Everyone likes at least one song, be it Epic or Easy, it brings a smile to your face and you can't stop yourself from singing. 


    Little Bits of Happiness:

    (via dailymail.co.uk)
    • Hearing Jeff Bridges voice on tv
    • Hot tea
    • My long "hospital patient" skirt.  I got it at a thrift store 3 years ago, floor length, white AND pockets. I don't know what else it would be from/for, with an "ID # ______ Official Identification Registered Status" on the front waistband lol.
    • Notification from Lion Brand that my yarn is officially en route!
    • Julia Roberts singing "... and your *smooch smooch smooch smooch smooch* Kiiihiiis"
    • Making me want to watch her Oscar speech, which are a huge guilty pleasure anyhow, but she's absolutely hilarious and she contains one of THE BEST laughs to come out of a being!!

        Thats all for now, but these were the small things that brought a smile to my face at the moment



    Thursday Fantômas

        The same year I completed my freshman year was the same year Mike Patton started the supergroup Fantômas, which is named after a French villain and consists of members from other Patton projects along with an addition from Slayer.  Waiting for this other album Mike has said would happen, we'll just have to make do with the amazingness that was released betwixt 98-05.  They're quite melodic and avant-garde, with some very slow songs that have a calming effect like the beginning of Rosemary's Baby.  Then you get very amped up, hyper loud noises that are so incredibly addicting, you have to listen to more.

    Its like watching a spaghetti western..

        A quick little interview with Mike to finish off a lovely collaboration of videos.  Then I leave you with a bite from yet another band he has been with, Lovage.  Started by Dan the Automator, Mike and Jennifer Charles on vocals.  Its got a very laid back feel, I mean it is Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By...

        I bid you a good evening and remind you, tomorrow is the big day.. 



    Peeping Tom on Hump-day.

        Amazing collaborations with all sorts of artists from Norah Jones to Massive Attack to Odd Nosdam help make up this album.  I believe the first Peeping Tom song I heard was Mojo and I was hooked, then I heard Sucker and  I just knew that Mike was yet again, a genius.  The name of band & album came from a movie called Peeping Tom, which is on instant Netflix and you should probably take a look at it.

        And currently my favorite (of the week) Peeping Tom song:

        Starting this Mike Patton week had me all excited, but I think I'm over-excited!  He's done so much and its all amazing, to only pick 5 (quite possibly 7) bands/projects is hard, because I'll hear a song by another of his bands and think "OOH! I have to do a bit on this, but blast, I only have x-amount of days".  I would like to think that everyone is a fan of at least 2 of his projects, therefore willing to give the others a chance and fall equally in like when them. 
        I would also like for someone to let me know its not absolutely ridiculous for me to find Mike extremely attractive with that hairnet on.  Wow.

        I can't help myself, so here's some more Patton candy:

    and last, but not least

        Happy Wednesday to you all, hope you enjoy and have yourself a drink!


    S/S 2011!!!

        I have got to say that I'm pretty damn excited about Banana Republics s/s 2011 collection!!  Because I've slacked on my fashion intake the past couple of months, I just recently saw the photos of the BR runway and fell head over heels!  Along with the lace, the long mega skirt is in this season and I couldn't be more stoked.  This is also going to help with the 3 year search for the ideal white dress!!!

        Also, here are a couple links for a better overview of the whole collection: BR in Style. & BR in Harpers.



    Tuesday is for Tomahawk

        Just over 10 years ago, Tomahawk was formed.

        The group includes former and current members of  The Jesus Lizard, Helmet, Battles (<-a clue as to how I personally discovered Battles) & Melvins.  Enjoy

        I would also advise checking out the group members other bands, it'd be a good thing.



    M'fuckin Monday!!!

        First, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to Matthew Broderick & Jeffrey Lynn Johnston!
    Shake it baby now!!
        Keeping with the "M" theme, I'm going to start off with some Mike Patton.  Even more specific, Mondo Cane.  I have a thing for Mike, and last year I came upon this project he did with an orchestra and band singing Italian pop songs.  I seriously can NOT get enough of it, I actually crave it.
        With all this speak of MP, I think I'm going to dedicate the week to him and do a bit on one of his bands/projects each day :D  I just got really excited!!  I think you should be too and I'll take my thank you's in the form of high 5s and go ahead and say "Your Welcome!" now.

    zuc zuc zuc zuc

        I would swoon if I ever got to see this live, just melt.  On top of having an awesome vocal range and being an incredible musical talent, the face attached to this man is great (wow, packed that sentence with compliments).  Just watching his face when her performs is entertainment enough.  There are points when he almost looks evil with his eyebrows and smile, then he'll let out that bellow "deep deep doooown" and its just great.
       The fact that he did something different from what I'm used to hearing impresses me.  I grew up loving Faith No More, then Mr Bungle, then Tomahawk, Lovage... etc., and now Mondo Cane.  Whatever the man touches:  
        I leave you now to let your ears fall in love with some I-talian pop.  Good day to you.


    PS:  Greatly amused by this-


    Six; I will not stop until I succeed!

        One; I will never leave anything to chance again. Two; I will marry the girl on my motorcycle. Three; I'll be rich. Four; we'll have a house. A big house, painted yellow, with a garden. And two children, Paul and Michael. Five; I'll have a convertible. A red convertible! And a swimming pool, I'll learn to swim. Six; I will not stop until I succeed!

        -Nemo;  Mr Nobody

        Aside from the fact that you need to get a hold of this movie and watch it, I have to say that I'm pretty excited about the new show FX picked up.  Its originally (from what I've skimmed) a show from Australia I believe, it stars Elijah Wood and is called:

        I hadn't heard a thing about this until yesterday, there was a preview with Elijah in bed tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable.  Pan out and he says "get off the bed" to a man in a dog costume.  Instantly I wanted it to be June!



    M'fuckin Music Monday!!!

        Not much to say, just enjoy and thank me later.  I give you:

    Tour Prep

        Again, your welcome & I highly advise you go see them as soon as you get the chance.  Meanwhile:



    Low Budget Rules.

        I just finished watching Monsters, and I think its probably one of the better movies I've seen as of late, aside from Kings Speech & Rango.  No crazy cgi, all edited and put together by one guy (mostly) and great improve & acting by the two actors.

        On another note, I've been doing fairly well with my monthly resolution.  I've been working out every day for about an hour and I've just finished 2 more scarves and doing a decent job of putting a dent into my yarn stash.  I didn't get my pictures taken yet, like I had said I was going to because 1) There was no space left on my camera and never got around to taking pics off and 2) I keep telling myself "tomorrow".  So I'm hoping this weekend that I get at least a couple more items listed.

        Just the other day I remembered the Pay It Forward project that I'm doing and that I need to get myself more organized about it.  The whole thing started with a random friend of mine and seeing it posted as her status on FB, then I posted it and decided that "5 people isn't enough" and doubled my PIFs.  I have all of this year to send them something which means I shouldn't feel behind, but I do.  With my list of people, some random ideas, alls I need is to get crackin. 

        Off to watch a bad horror flick and drink coffee at 11:40pm. Good night.



    Boooo. BIG FUCKIN BOO!

        I'm about to be a real pissed off lil girl if I just lost a few hundred photos due to an awesome virus.  Not a thrilled girl right now, I'm ok and it won't be the end of the world, but I'm not thrilled.




        Here's your dose of music, movies, & shit.
    • The Alter Boys
    • The Fun Lovin Criminals

    • Parachutes - Your Stories  (go get your free download!!)
    • Mono - Follow the Map
    • Laura Marley - Cross Your Fingers
    • Brodka - Excipit
    • Kate Nash - Dickhead
    • El Perro Del Mar
    • The Snake the Cross the Crown - Hey Jim

        Through my continual exploration of chick music, I've found some random dudes.  At this exact moment, a ginger has been thrown in my direction.  I'm pretty sure I'm not into his music but as for his looks, I'm slightly intrigued. Yes, add it to my odd attractions:
    wait for it...

        If nothing else, you've gotta at least give some credit to that hair.  Holy wow, I wish I had hair that just stood up like that, its absolutely amazing!!  I'm not tellin ya to go listen to his music or anything just give the ginger some recognition for walking around hair that gives me intense flashbacks ...

        On another note; movies.  Firstly I'd like to say do not see "the Quiet", its awful and predictable but was one of those covers I saw at the movie joint and stuck in my mind so I subjected myself to bad cinema, and Edie Falcos boobs.  If you like random movies check out The Saddest Music In The World, it took me a minute to get into it, then it was just a weird ride that I couldn't stop.  Lastly, I have to bash this into your heads:  go see *The Kings Speech !!!
        Seriously.  I finally got around to devoting the time to watching the whole thing and I absolutely loved it.  Oscar well deserved *cough*hurt locker*cough* both to Colin & best film.  Well done Brits, I love you.

        I'd like to take a moment to say that I've achieved a solid week of working out and yarning, every-single-day!!  I'm trying to blog, or write down bits to blog.  I've been trying to work up some collages of ideas for Megs wedding and accidentally getting sucked into that for a while :x  Seems like it can be said that thus far I've had 2 months and 1 week of solid resolution-ating!  I'm going to go pat myself on the back and watch The Green Hornet whilst working on an orange beanie, wee!



    Too Perfect To Not Post.

    good night


        I had this as a draft, why I never posted it is beyond me.   This is when I had a raging crush on Mike, as a young lady of 8.  As soon as I saw Epic, there was no going back, that was my ideal guy haha.

    My lack of updating. Gah!!!

        This has sucked greatly. I've been jam-packed with stuff and orders the past couple weeks & had 2 weekends of Fisher sibling fun, therefore no internet access.  I've got a busy couple days in front of me as well, and a clusterfuck of ideas in my head to go with the 8 skeins of yarn I purchased on Monday.  PLUS, I need to take photos of about 6 new things for etsy.
        I seriously need 3 more hands, 2 for crocheting/knitting & 1 to consistently feed me coffee and/or RedBulls.

        On a not-so-new note, I'm (still) obsessing on some Mike Patton right now.  Cannot stop listening to Faith No More and Mondo Cane.  But to keep from going on and on I'd like to share St. Vincent:  Ride.  Random bit that popped up on my neighborhood plays and I love it, quite possibly my favorite out of all the songs I've heard by St. Vincent.  Trying to research at 2 am isn't proving successful but  the link isn't by the female St. Vincent (Annie Clark), its by one of the others who I cannot find right now.  If my life depended on this, I would die by 2:16.  Due to my extensive library of useless knowledge though, I can tell you that she was born 1 day after Lil Wayne, making her exactly 4 months older than me.  

        I'm going to crawl my old lazy ass into bed to refresh & sleep.  Here is my sleep music:
    then hopefully tomorrow I can seriously get around to blogging a bit more and not just say that I will.
