
Portland Bound...

   So I'm sitting at the airport in Sacramento, pretty buzzed/close to drunk and cannot wait to be on a plane again. I swear, if I could fly around on a plane for a living, I would do it. Fly passenger, not pilot because I simply couldn't handle that kind of responsibility.
    I had myself a "large" GB Hefenweizen because I saw that my flight was going to be delayed about 40 minutes, then it turns out the plain is delayed an hour and ONE minute "due to weather". Which means I'm ecstatic about the snow that I'm going to be flying into.

photo from this morning in Portland via Shan.

   Time to board. Fuckin YAY!!!



Music Monday.

    First I'd like to start you off with something to look forward to this year.  Mr Gordon-Levitt is gracing us with his awesome presence in a new movie in which he looks like my ideal (according to Jason) "homeless guy".  Kind of have a lovely lil fantasy in my head of Dapper G-L vs Metalhead G-L, I won't lie.  But anyhow, Hesher looks pretty amazing so, your welcome. 

Second and main reason for this entry:

last.fm did me the pleasure of introducing me to Paloma Faith.  Just like when I heard Marina and the Diamonds, "Obsession" for the first time, I'm mildly obsessed (no pun intended) with "Upside Down".  I normally listen to "my radio station" which is within the safety bounds of my specific picks and loved track, that or a ridiculous amount of bands & music that have been touched by the golden hand of Mike Patton, BUT lately I've been listening to chicks & Icelandic music.  Have to say its been quite pleasant and I'm glad to add some new broads to my library. 

broads (not all new to the collection, but what I've been listening to):
  • Soap&Skin
  • Marina and the Diamonds

  • Bat For Lashes
  • Charlotte Gainsbourg
  • Sia
  • CocoRosie
  • PJ Harvey
icelanders (same as above):

Also, one I listen to quite frequently who's not to be forgotten AND coincidentally falls into both categories:



He only liked me for my game..

Hard to tell from just a simple photograph, but had I some boobs this kid would have been nestled in them for a solid 10 minutes.  As I played some Angry Birds, he went in for the lean and damn near messed up my perfect score with his big dome covering the screen.  Because my eldest sibling wanted a photo after I had placed the phone down, I picked the phone back up to pose and little man leaned right back in in record time.

The joy of being a kid and not caring if you're invading personal space.



Today's The Day.

    It's been one year, today, since Alexander McQueen passed away. 
Miss You.


    Due to a friend posting a Maylene and the Sons of Disaster video, I am now on a metal kick. Upon looking up some random Wiki info, I decided to Google some photos of He Is Legend to peep Schuylars beard. Unfortunately there aren't many great photos listed, but I found this lil number and came to realize that this guy
 ^   This fellow right here, or bunny #1
Looks a bit like this one. Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad fame.

    Anyhow, today I shall continue my Meshuggah, Neurosis & Baroness infused playlist whilest I type & yarn my fingers to bloody nubs. Hoping by the end of the day I will have this blog up to date, along with the blog I started to document the makings of my bestests wedding: Onions n Pickles AND have at least 2 more things made for my shop. OH, also (fingers crossed) I get some photos uploaded.


Hallmark Holiday is just 'round the corner.

    With that, I am currently finishing up yet another pink item to put in my shop. Due to this "holiday" approaching, I've been trying to make things in shades of pink and purple along with brainstorming more little monstrosities to make. Also trying to actually get through my instant queue, I've been putting that off because I have somewhere around 20 foreign flicks, which I can't very well watch when I'm crocheting.

    Anyways, I've slacked on my blog for the past week and I'm not proud of it. I've just been distracted with editing photos and going to see my lil b, started a blog for my bestests wedding-to-be, then made the journey home. Excuses, excuses but legitimate ones me thinks. So there will be lots of coffee in my near future and also a dark chocolate bacon bar that the wife bought me that I've been holding on to like its the last one in existence for the past 4 months :x Candy hoarder!!!

Bacon Lovers, Treat Yourself!



Splatter Analysis.

    Today the wife and I cleaned for a while and the I ended up editing photos the rest of the day.  I have a baby laptop, and I don't want to overload her with a bunch of "bells and whistles", so I was pretty excited when I found an online photo editing program.  Since the moment I found it, up until the very moment (between sentences actually), I've been editing photos and sprucing things up. I can't stop. 
    It's not a bad thing, until I remember that I have 2 or 3 scarves with me that I need to be working on so I can have them up in time for  the man-made holiday.  Perfect holiday to help me use up my pink & purple yarns that I've been stumped on for a few months. ...

    Ok, now is a time to own up to some fears of mine:
  • Spiders
  • Clowns
  • The woods
  • Windows
  • Noises,
...speaking of noises.
    I'm sitting here in the living room, editing, typing, listening to some Bat For Lashes when all of a sudden I hear a loud hum/buzzing sound to my right.  Let me set this up real simple for you, to my right is the huge glass doors leading into the back yard of pitch black nothing.  What freaks me out more and also a big fear of mine, is when its pitch black outside and there is a light on inside with windows that are uncovered.  Whatever / whoever is outside can see ME but I can NOT see them abd that terrifies me to no end. Crazy fuckin people are out there and they can just stare at me without my knowledge.  Why I'm typing this all out, furthering my current state of paralysis is beyond  me.
    Pretty much makes me sound like a 28yr old who is afraid of the dark, and thats not the case.  I'm just scared of nut jobs watching me.  Nut jobs & inbreds.


35? I can do 35.

By this, I mean I would have absolutely no problem dating this fine man:
This hair.

You may recognize him more from his amazing role as A.J.


Now To Do More..


Fuck yeah, its great to be Twenty-Eight!

    I would love to thank everyone who called, texted, left me comments on FB, and emailed me on my birthday.  I really appreciate it and as goofy as a birthday is now (for the most part), it really helps remind someone of how awesome their friends and family are.  Having my lovely Phillies, Canada folk and some friends in Portugal & Germany sending me wishes brings the biggest, most goofy smile to my face and I couldn't be more happy about it!

    Thank you to my lobster for taking me out to lunch & my Disneyland pins, my ma for taking me and treating me to a 16oz med. rare steak and drinks and lastly my wife who took me to second dinner, garlic fries & Guinness at P. Wexfords.  As for the day and that night I'm sending out thanks to coffee, wine, margaritas, Guinness and Jameson!         

    Everyone that ended up Vieiras Friday night, I Love YOU!  It was amazing to see so many people that I don't get to see as often as I'd like to (Danny, Gilbert, Branden, Derek P, Gabe, Michelle D, Chris & Sierra, Joey, Derek W, Justine, Brandon, Vicente and my lovely bartender Michelle).  Pretty sure the bar was packed and I couldn't tell you who all was there if my lil life depended on it.  Good people made sure that from the first step across the threshold until the moment I danced out, I had a whiskey & Guinness safely secured in my hands.  Hugs and magic tricks and dancing and singing and more hugs and yelling to people, the whole time I had the joy of hanging out with you fine folks was a total blast. Hugs & Kisses to you <3
My Wife & Sierra

Lishy Baybee

    I walked away from the day knowing I get to go to Victorias Secret, prep my gut for the Great Balls of Fire challenge at Salvador Molly's at the end of the month and I'll be able to keep myself toasty and cute with my new accessories thanks to my lil b & Zara.



I'm so torn!!

I have been filling in my brows for a few years now because of an obsession with thick, bushly brows. Aside from the obvious brow beauty Ms Hepburn, I've always been a fan of the Olsen brows, particularly Ashleys. But the past few months I've moved the obsession over to bleached brows. Never thought I would say it, but I kind of really want to bleach out my brows. The reason I'm torn is because of what I want to do to my hair and me thinks that it would be a bit much. So the research on bleached brows continues, hoping for my final decision this month so I can quit being bland with the filled brows and long brown locks. 
Marc Jacobs S/S 2011
I leave you with the battle I face, and two of my favorites:
Don't -or- Do


This is my friend Chloe,

Ever Awesome

    She has blessed me by making some awesome banners & turning me into a cartoon for my etsy.  She's also given me the honor of enjoying my yarn goodies herself.  OhChloe, how I love you and thank you again, times 77.

is February First Two-Thousand and Eleven.
    My resolution for this month* is to get my blogging back in gear. Since I was at a yarn block earlier in the night, technically being January, I decided I'd get my self occupied with a new habit. Or I should say a renewed habit. I made a 2 hour attempt to take my blog out of the darkness and finally got rid of my wonky music player, updated my blog lists, added some new friends and brought some colour up in the place. Along with my blogging, I'm getting back into my lists, my other addiction next to yarn.

  • work on scarf, or monster
  • clean Optimus' bowl
  • do an update (and thank you) for January
  • get addresses for my Pay It Forwards
  • plot gifts
  • try and go get meds for Emma
  • watch one foreign flick, (possibly Luck or The Virgin Spring)

For now, I'm going to listen to some more Mondo Cane and window-tab shop. 


*Monthly resolutions suit my taste better than one, year long resolution.

Taking the opportunity to say, you are a babe.

Emma, how Lichtenstein of you!!

Must order studs & pyramids,
thanks for the reminder

Perfect way to start my Tuesday and month,

lovely indeed.