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We're Awesome |
Happy Birthday To...
M'fuckin Monday!!!
- Snow White and the Huntsman
- My Week With Marilyn
- Hugo
Actually might treat the bf and go see this after T-Day dinner!
(then get about 4 RedBull in prep for my midnight to 8am UO shift)
- Immortals
- Puss in Boots
- Melancholia
And it can almost go without saying that May 4, 2012 cannot get here fast enough!!! After watching this preview, I began the count down...
164 Days!!!
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Normally I have music or movies to talk about here and by "talk about", I mean list or recommend in an extremely casual manner. But today I have far better news!!!!
Avett Christopher Sutton
Our friends Chris & Kelly had their first baby around 3 in the afternoon 11.14.11. Her due date was the 10th, but he decided to keep up the suspense and stay in the belly for a few more days, so she and I had coffee and chatted instead :) Its pretty amazing, they chose to wait and let the babies sex be a surprise and that isn't too common these days. Kind of rad! Greg and I went over on Saturday night to have dinner with them, see the babies room & watch the fight. All things went amazingly and then the next day Kelly said she was having contractions every 10 minutes or so from 3pm on... then a day later Greg gets the text:
"Baby Button is here!!! Baby Button is here!!!"
I'm stoked to go meet him, they come home from the hosp Wed and I'm hoping that I'll have the lil amigurumi made for him :D (fingers crossed)!
No Reason You Should Forget The Date!
So Gregs old roommate, Courtney, got married Friday. Spent most of the day working on photos and not getting ready, which is what a good majority of the day should have been. I ended up doing my hair over 3 times before giving up (and that was in the car on the way to Ventura) and we made it there 5 minutes late but ended up being on time because they started later *whew* anyhow, it was fun. Got to meet some of Gregs friends and the groom, then a former (possibly renewed) & current contractor Gregs working with. So I guess it was a fancy business date almost :) with awesome food & a slow dance.
We finished the night giving hugs to the bride and groom and grabbing a red velvet cupcake topped with cream cheese icing (shown in picture, minus icing that I devoured immediately). Then left and drove home in the pouring rain, crawled in bed & passed out.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
- Now You See Me 2013 Can't get here soon enough!
- Tree Of Life (not what I expected but at least worth one go through)
- The Perfect Host
- The Way Back
- The Devil's Double
If you get the upcoming opportunity:
Nov 8, 2011 - Nashville, TN () @ 12th & Porter - 12th and Porter
Nov 9, 2011 - Austin, TX () @ The Continental Club Austin - Continental Club
Nov 11, 2011 - Fort Worth, TX () @ Magnolia Motor Lounge - Magnolia Motor Lounge
Nov 12, 2011 - Stephenville, TX () @ City Limits - City Limits w/ Whiskey Myers - Buy Tickets
Nov 14, 2011 - Los Angeles, CA () @ Bootleg Theater - Bootleg Theater w/ Little Hurricane
Nov 15, 2011 - San Luis Obispo, CA () @ Creeky Tiki - Pints For Bikes: A Benefit for the SLO County Bicycle Coalition
Nov 17, 2011 - San Diego, CA () @ America's Cup Village - Buy Tickets
Nov 18, 2011 - San Francisco, CA () @ Bottom of the Hill -w/ Good Old War - Buy Tickets
Nov 19, 2011 - Monterey, CA () @ Jose's Underground - w/ Spindrift - Buy Tickets
Nov 20, 2011 - Sacramento, CA () @ Shady Lady Saloon
Nov 21, 2011 - Costa Mesa, CA () @ Detroit Bar - FREE
Quote of the day.
"We've been waiting 3 years for the perfect person to give this to." bf's Pops
They have me an amazing old school looking leather jacket. It has fringe and crazy business on it, but fits like a glove and has never been worn. After some tailoring, I'll have an amazing jacket for rides!
They have me an amazing old school looking leather jacket. It has fringe and crazy business on it, but fits like a glove and has never been worn. After some tailoring, I'll have an amazing jacket for rides!
Good Night Saturday..
"If you ever get a pink gun, I'll shoot you with it." - bf. Now tha'ts love <3
Thoughtful Thursday!
So, I put in a few applications on Tuesday (Gap, Sephora, UO & Aeire). Sephora told me to be back for the group interview on Wed, Aeire called & scheduled me for a group interview the 8th & UO said "come back any day before noon and have an on the spot interview." I figure get UO done the same day as Sephora and be done with em but my morning starts off not so well and for a minute I debate it only to come to my senses, get dressed and go to my "interview" at 11am, lunch & second interview at 3.
- "Hi, I'm here for an interview.." "Hi! Do I know you, you look familiar.. is your last name Locke?" lots of lols and small talk "Do you have retail experience & have you filled out a questionnaire?" Hands me a paper to go home & do an online questionnaire then she'll be informed & call for an interview.
- Lunch
- Get dapper & head out to a dreaded group interview that goes fairly well for about 80 minutes. Said they'll make the calls and place demos on Friday.
- Home, eat, sleep, wake up (to Thursday) & head out to have coffee & work on edits
- Edit, do my questionnaire, talk to bf & mom, leave around 4...
- Have an awesome "Hello Reggie :)" note taped to the truck, a la Dylan
- Phone rings.. "Reggie? Hi, we met yesterday! I'm calling to offer you a job at UO, orientation Sunday.."
Well, as I told my bf, I would get him drunk on root beer if I got a job. Went to the store and bought 2 cases of A&W, then headed home! Told him the news, hung out with the guys in the garage for a bit before eating and making "dinner". It was a good day..
Happy Movember!!!!
Does it get better than a month changing its name to not only spawn beautiful facial hair amongst men worldwide but also helps raise awareness for male health, specifically different cancers affecting men. I don't think it does, SO take some time and get familiar with Movember, facebook page & some videos.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of Murder City Devils and Florence + The Machine. Nothing new, nothing fancy just plane ol' good shit! The new Florence album is out tomorrow and I can say that I recommend it without even second guessing how amazing it will be. Do add me on either or both of these:
Living with the boyfriend, I get a healthy dose of Rose Ceremony, Bane, Jawbreaker, Samhain, and many other bands I can't even begin to remember. All I can say is I'm branching out to bands I've heard little of or not at all so you can go ahead and high5 my bf :)
- http://www.last.fm/user/reggief
- 121620289 (spotify)
Living with the boyfriend, I get a healthy dose of Rose Ceremony, Bane, Jawbreaker, Samhain, and many other bands I can't even begin to remember. All I can say is I'm branching out to bands I've heard little of or not at all so you can go ahead and high5 my bf :)
Wednesdays Quote
"You're hanging out with these two guys? They're going to have you working on bikes before you know it..." I don't have a problem with that. "Good girl."
M'fuckin Monday!!!
- Brodka - Syberia
- Oh Land
As much as I'd like to say I'm on top of things and I can take an hour of my day to sit and write an easy music and/or movie entry ... I can't. The past few weeks since I've moved have been up and down for me. I've been doing amazingly and have a fantastical guy who loves me BUT my own personal BS has kept me from really accomplishing anything. While at home, I get so easily distracted I can't even sit still for a few minutes AND if I do, I'm watching something then I pass out asleep or get up and lose complete train of thought or desire to sit and write.
I really wish and want to be consistent with my blog and hope I make a decent enough effort once I feel more settle.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
I got all Rotten Tomatoes crazy and couldn't stop clicking on movies that are out/coming out...
- In Time
- Red State (John Goodman, I'm there!)
- Dream House
- 50/50 (JG-L & I've only heard good things)
- The Rum Diary
- The Ides Of March
- Drive
(source: Just Jared) |
Really. Aside from they look amazing, HE looks amazing. |
- The Texas Killing Fields
- Toast
- The Woman
- Sleeping Beauty
- Like Crazy
Mistakes They Made:
- Footloose
- The Thing
- The Skin I Live In (aka) Eyes Without A Face (amazingly good, highly recommended!)
Shows I'm Starting Back Up / Premiers:
- Dexter !!! (So Good) (showtime YouTube link, check it out!)
- Pan Am
- Revenge
- Happily Ever After (hoping its good)
- Up All Night (maybe)
5 Weeks Later
And holy shit have things changed.
- Moved
- Boyfriend
- New friends / family
- Driving a Chevy
- I've been boating
- To Disneyland 2 times
- Magic Mountain
- No longer tan
- Found out some stuff about my stuff
- Have a wedding to go to followed by
- A baby shower (7th & 8th)
- Shot a 44 magnum (scared the shit outta me)
- Shot a glock 19 9mm
- Being given unconditional affection
- Getting used to unconditional affection
- Less movie intake
- Sold tons off my Etsy
- "Camped" in Pismo
- Rode on shovelhead
Better and more detailed update to happen soon, just needed to get this out of my head.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Still up in Oregon so I've been listening to a lot of my sisters music and giving Katy Perry, Kesha and the likes a chance. Not totally appalled but still not my favorite and I'll take my oldies & death metal over some Kesha in the morning lol. So a few songs that I dig are:
- In Love (In Theory) - MadLove
- Laredo - Tomahawk
- Purlieu - Hello Mexico
Some random flix
- Nothing But The Truth
- Stir Crazy...
- See No Evil, Hear No Evil
- Another You
For that matter, just watch anything with Richard Pryor and/or Gene Wilder. All gems. Also this week we're getting Due Date which I had completely forgot about but am (re)excited to watch! For now, I'm going to work out and drink some coffee, or vise versa.
I'm Single.
I'm kind of alright with this. Kind of, until today my sister says, "I'm surprised you're not married yet. You're made for it." Then I think of the couple of people I had seriously thought about marrying, there have been 2 & I would have married in a heartbeat had I been asked, realistically.
I miss having someone there that I can tell all my dumb little things to and do stupid lil things with & the amazing cheesy things with. Thinking back on it, those were some of my happiest times. Sometimes I debate if its my habits, my sailor mouth, my beliefs (or lack there of). A few random things I think of often in terms of "I would have to find someone who can deal with..."
Doesn't help when your brother asks you, whilest on vacation and hanging out, "when are you going to squeeze out some pups" & your mother asks or "casually" brings up (at least once a week) her worries of when I'll marry and "be happy".
I've been happy, wanted to marry twice but wasn't sure of the other. I was wholeheartedly up for it but I think I'm a dying hopeless romantic and thats my friday night pity party. Now I shall eat more of my cold Chinese food, open another beer, watch Gangs of New York and pass out in my underwear.. thats how I do.
I miss having someone there that I can tell all my dumb little things to and do stupid lil things with & the amazing cheesy things with. Thinking back on it, those were some of my happiest times. Sometimes I debate if its my habits, my sailor mouth, my beliefs (or lack there of). A few random things I think of often in terms of "I would have to find someone who can deal with..."
- I burp
- I fart
- I absolutely LOVE cold pizza
- or Chinese for that matter
- Cannot have enough beer
- Late nights, late movies
- I curse and I'm not ashamed of it
- Nor am I ashamed of the fact that I LOVE HARRY POTTER
Doesn't help when your brother asks you, whilest on vacation and hanging out, "when are you going to squeeze out some pups" & your mother asks or "casually" brings up (at least once a week) her worries of when I'll marry and "be happy".
I've been happy, wanted to marry twice but wasn't sure of the other. I was wholeheartedly up for it but I think I'm a dying hopeless romantic and thats my friday night pity party. Now I shall eat more of my cold Chinese food, open another beer, watch Gangs of New York and pass out in my underwear.. thats how I do.
One Of My Favorite Things:
The smell of coffee as its being freshly brewed. So when I stumble/tumbled upon the "little things" tumblr I was tickled pink.
And those are just a couple from the 300s. Its just little things that make one smile.
Dental Pro n Junk - Megan
Also whilest in Oregon (and the reason for my 3 week extended stay) I am getting dental work done, thanks to my every amazing sister
for helping me out, being a dental assistant and introducing me to a (her former boss) dentist that I'm completely comfortable with. Therefor I have gotten everything I needed to get done for a fraction of the cost that the gompers back home wanted to charge me and what they wanted to do to my poor teeth. Aside from my fear of needles (as in injections), I've been told that I've been an A+ patient and then on my side of it, there has been no pain and no real need for my prescribed vicodin (but we got it to be safe). YAY!
I leave you with a photo of my star treatment sans my nitrous mask:
ps: Hopefully we get a decent picture of me with nitrous mask on during my next appt, I look like I'm ready to orbit the moon.
Adventures of 2011..
Whilest being in Oregon I've learned to shoot. Let me just say that for 97% of my life I have been petrified of guns and seeing them in my household hasn't given me a sense of protection, its given me minor anxiety. This has changed. Might make a good majority of my family, either being marines or cops, quite proud. I've had a couple friends tell me they would take me shooting because I have, in the past year, been interested in just shooting a gun (hahah, freudian slip & said "guy") for fun BUT coming up to OR, I have family that just shoots in their backyard (being a mountain) and offered to lend their expertise to SO....
Putting a shotgun in my hands and setting up 2 targets they explained how to load the gun, line up the target and whatnot, BOOM... after my first shot I felt like a kid at Christmas and my eyes lit up. I turned to Meg, mom & Daddy Rich and said "MORE", which they were pleased with. Leading to my 6 for 6 with a shotgun.
The following morning as Meg n Rose slept, I chatted with mom & DR, had some coffee and relaxed for about an hour before DR said "Hey, do you wanna go shoot some squirrels" and I was dressed and ready to go within 10 minutes. We drove out to his friends ranch and grabbed another gun and he explained what we were looking for, "they look like squirrels but their tail is about 2" long and they make this noise *enter noise that sounds like a bird* and we call them 'squeeks'." Color me happy, give me some bullets and show me the way.
We drove out on to Johns land where its heavily populated by squeeks and DR gave me a gun with a scope and offered to have me shoot w/o a scope but I wanted to learn how to use one so I said "nay". Took me a couple shots before I was used to the gun and scope but when I got my first squeek I was beyond thrilled. I do believe my 2hr total ended around 20-25 and I was proud :) John was giving me shit because there was a a short period where I couldn't find any squeeks and when I finally shot "you finally fucking shot!" hahaha. What made it better was DR said that in the summer they usually go out there with a cooler full of beer and spend the day hanging out and offin squeeks and told me to let him know the next time I planned on visiting so they could get extra bullets! I am SO excited to come back/go back and learn to shoot better, I never thought I'd be so excited and all about it!
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera charger & got no pictures of the squeek firecrackers, therefore this concludes Reggies - Addiction to Guns entry.
This is when I realized I wanted guns. |
We drove out on to Johns land where its heavily populated by squeeks and DR gave me a gun with a scope and offered to have me shoot w/o a scope but I wanted to learn how to use one so I said "nay". Took me a couple shots before I was used to the gun and scope but when I got my first squeek I was beyond thrilled. I do believe my 2hr total ended around 20-25 and I was proud :) John was giving me shit because there was a a short period where I couldn't find any squeeks and when I finally shot "you finally fucking shot!" hahaha. What made it better was DR said that in the summer they usually go out there with a cooler full of beer and spend the day hanging out and offin squeeks and told me to let him know the next time I planned on visiting so they could get extra bullets! I am SO excited to come back/go back and learn to shoot better, I never thought I'd be so excited and all about it!
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera charger & got no pictures of the squeek firecrackers, therefore this concludes Reggies - Addiction to Guns entry.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
So I haven't been taking in nearly as many movies as I used to whilest up in Oregon. I've been too busy with other stuff that I will update tomorrow or Wed, depending on my condition (getting wisdoms yanked out today... in 3hrs actually). Alas, I can say that I've introduced a handful of movies to my sister & mom(#2).
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Black Swan
- Inception (heard of just never had watched)
- Henry Poole Is Here (honestly one of my greatest random movie finds ever!)
This will conclude my beer induced M'Fuckin Monday update. I will now go grab my book and put on my docs so that I'm ready to be picked up and dropped off at my appt, I am pregaming because chances are I may take a nap beforehand.
I Feel Like I'm In 4th Grade!!!
So, Rose comes home today and puts on some music and I hear the Mortal Kombat theme in the mix! I get amped and find the soundtrack online and have been listening to it for the past hour at least. This got me in a comic kind of mood and I soon realized how many comic movies are coming out this year!!! Seriously am so excited, makes me remember when I was in 4th grade and I used to walk to the comic book store with my friend Jenna to get new cards, comics & (some) pogs. We would geek out and watch X-Men, trade cards, organize our binders (I still have all mine and will never part with them), it was just the best time ever!
- X-Men
- Thor
- Captain America: The First Avenger
I kid you not, my eyes almost fell out of my head watching this. Looks brilliant!
- Green Lantern
- The Avengers: Rise of the Superior
- Spiderman 4 (in the making)
I am what you would call "giddy". Cannot wait!!!
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Ello ello from Oregon. Just a quick lil movie list for ya:
- Mr. Nice
- True Legend
- Buitiful
- Childrens Hospital - Although clowns scare me, this looks amusing.
Columbus & I share fear, only he got to act on revenge |
- Sympathy For Delicious
- Beginners - I personally can't wait to see Beginners. I'm a huge Ewan fan & Christopher Plummer is phenomenal.
- Horrible Bosses - Kevin Spacey, enough said.
Why Not??
So I'm going to be taking photos of some of my things and do an internet-sale. Must clean BUT I am yet again, distracted by the beauty of Mr Gosling.
Yes, I just let out a exaggerated exhale but it was definitely needed. Also, this made me laugh and I can't wait! Love Emma Stone, she's a riot, a doll and now one of the luckier girls to have walked earth. Great cast:
Yes, I just let out a exaggerated exhale but it was definitely needed. Also, this made me laugh and I can't wait! Love Emma Stone, she's a riot, a doll and now one of the luckier girls to have walked earth. Great cast:
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Firstly, a HBD to this handsome fella.
Now on to another handsome devil and a new movie that just premiered at Cannes:
From his description, the clip seems pretty accurate. I've read a few reviews and people were talking about how its kind of underwhelming and / or having a campy feel but Ryan states how REO Speedwagon was the reason this movie happened, so it fits. Check out this other clip that shows a bit of dialogue and some sweet tunes. I for one and pretty excited, I get kind of a grind house feel and am a sucker for any Gosling film as he's a great actor and well, a babe.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Follow up on the leading ladies tomorrow..
- The Other Woman
- Hesher
- Black Swan
- No Strings Attached
- Your Highness
- Thor
- Troy
- Wicker Park
- National Treasure
- Inglorious Basterds
- Mr. Nobody
- Lily, Sometimes (Pieds nus sur les limaces)
- Farewell, My Queen (pre production)
Bye Bye Baby...
I guess this months resolution is to de-clutter and come Monday the front of the house will be de-cluttered as Emma will be moving to her new home.
Will try to not cry but no promises to be made.
Will try to not cry but no promises to be made.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
- The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes - Seriously gave me goosebumps, it looks so good. I'm stoked WETA worked on this and call me bias, but Draco is in it :) hehe
- Cracks
- Passion Play
- Super 8
- X-Men: First Class - So jazzed on the cast and it looks legit; fingers crossed. I actually get a little choked up watching the preview because X-Men was a huge part of my growing up and I just want the movie to be so good! I remember picking out a cast when I was in 4th grade for my ideal X-Men flick.
- Make Believe (d) - Young Magicians
- Dumbstruck (d) - Ventriloquist
- The Beaver
- The Silent House (f)
- The Help
- Dolphin Tale - I'm a sucker for childlike tearjerkers
- HappyThankYouMorePlease
Ohh Happy Day!!!
Quirky things that I find attractive and that amuse me greatly, accompanied by mini-stories:
- Black eyes. Do not know what it is, but theres nothing like a good shiner. I find them awkwardly attractive, I've even donned a faux version a few times out of boredom at first, then out of love.
- Bruises. I have a fascination with them and find them beautiful in their own way. To sound totally spacey (no pun intended) they're like nebullas on your body, changing colors and shapes. I don't know, I just like em & am proud to say my greatest was in 03. I slammed my leg into a step as I ran up to my friends apt to escape the 100+ heat and within 30 minutes of impact, I was the owner of a orange sized lump on my shin. I was blessed with the beautiful bruise within a couple days and it stuck for close to a month.
- Claire Robinson, my foodie dream girl. One more.
Babe with mustard. I am yours! |
- Pregnant ladies! They're just gorgeous and don't even really need to do anything to show that they are. I've always been excited at the thought of having a kid and having my pregger belly, I just know its going to be amazing. Then on a vanity pov, pregnant ladies are SO cute and getting to wear cute stuff and have you lil baby bump! EEP
I cannot get over how lovely Sarah looks. Obsessed! She just looks glowy (yeah yeah make fun) and healthy and content AND THEN her outfit is one of the cutest damn things I've seen in a while, even though this picture is 3 years old.
M'fuckin Monday!!!
Welcome to a new week & a new month. We ended April with the Royal Wedding & starting May with the death of Bin Laden! Take in a deep breath and smile.
- Young@Heart (d)*- watch this and fall in love with old people!
- Doctor Who * - I've never seen it, but it seems to be all the rage & is now on NetFlix
- The Pixar Story (d) *
- Vicki Christina Barcelona - took me a while, saw it, loved it
- Pressure Cooker (d) *
- Easy A *- I've seen it a few times and love it EVERY TIME! Her love of 80s movies <3
* - on instant
I'm so happy! I got to talk to a handful of friends tonight that I haven't had much contact with recently. Its awesome knowing that people who've been in your life at one point or another still think of you. I wish I had a couple million bucks so I could gather up my friends and take them on a Disneyland tour! How amazing would that be, the people that make you happiest and going to the happiest place(s) on earth - and of course a pit stop at Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (duh).
- Daniel Blomqvist - Juninatt
- Etta James - Don't Take Your Love From Me
- Asleep - The Smiths
- Easily Embarrassed - Little Trees and Fantasies
Zombie Day
I'm going to start by saying Happy Zombie Jesus Day! Given the theme of the day I do believe watching zombie movies while drinking some beer & coffee sounds in order and of course watch my boys play at 1. But for right now I'm going to take the opportunity to pre-game my M'Fuckin Monday and introduce you to an amazing lil' band by the name of Dead Mans Bones.
The band consists of Ryan Gosling his friend & the Silverlake Childrens Choir. The first time I heard the way he sings and then the kids singing along, I was hooked. Done. Check. Today it was just by lucky chance as I posted my status update that this song came on:
I would highly recommend listening to an actual copy of the song, but the clip was fun & I love those kids! I'll also use the lead into saying you should see Blue Valentine if you haven't. Incredible, uncomfortable, realistic & a dash of Ryan singing :x
So lets see, heres some of what I may watch today & some of my all around favorite zombies:
- Night of the Living Dead (og) *
- Return of the Living Dead
- Evil Dead *
- Zombieland *
- Dead Snow *
- White Zombie *
- Shaun of the Dead
- 28 Days Later
- Dead Alive *
- Fido
- Day of the Dead (og)
- Dawn of the Dead (old & new)
- The Walking Dead
- Planet Terror
- Boy Eats Girl * ... but I'm going to start with:
- Deadgirl *
For your viewing pleasure I'd also like to share something with you that one of my best friends showed me a few years ago. Its absolutely amazing and if you're not intrigued by mentalism prior to this, you should be after watching this video. Its in 2 parts (thankfully someone uploaded and HQ verision) so make sure you watch them both because it is just fantastic.
Enjoy your zombie day! Brains & Beer.
* - movies available on instant
Stretched Thin
I haven't been as on my game as I would like to have been. I have indeed been crocheting a lot and now that I'm taking a breather and trying to remain calm ...
(source: PosterPop on Etsy) |
I'm going to make an attempt at a real blog update! For the past few weeks I've been attempting to make this faux grass rug for a friend of mine and its done nothing but make me want to pull the hair out of my head. I've always been a hands on / tutorial kinda girl, reading patterns or diagrams frustrates me and I hit boiling point at ridiculous speed. So consulting with friends and looking up random tutorials online, it seemed 99% positive and that everything was being done right and that there was no need for me to worry, only I couldn't stop. After starting multiple other projects to calm myself and take my mind off of the rug from hell (its not actually that bad, but I get worked up), I finally sat down a few nights ago and tweaked the pattern to make it my own and FINALLY have complete faith in it and that it will stay together (which was my fear, that it'd unravel as soon as he walked on it). I give you a sneak preview of the Grass rug:
I've also taken up making granny squares to use up all my bits of random yarn. May just make a pile of them or some day decide to make an actual afghan or something of that nature. Lets not get started on my new MLB obsession and/or the fact that I cannot stop buying Giants colors. Just observe.
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