
Mission Failed.

Word to everyone: if I'm in the backseat, an you're talkin to me, chances are I won't hear you.
This is what happen w/ my failed mission. Rick was talkin about gettin beers, an brown baggin it. I barely heard and thought "beer. brown bag. awesome". Alas, we pulled into the gas station, I sat in the car whilest everyone got gas. Rick hands me a pounder an tells me "mission failed. You were supposed to get beer". Fail.

My Afternoon

Lotsa dudes. Lotsa flannel. Lotsa beer. Lotsa bikes.

Bout to get free tacos, and eat them whilest in line for the porta potty. Word.

My favorite <3 beautiful dog.

The beauty was quite the trooper.

Big Badaboom

    So seein someone I just met flip off his motorcycle on the shoulder of the freeway is crazy shit and now the CHP is bein a dick an takin his sweet time writing this report.

Good Morning Thousand Oaks.

Me, 4 dudes, a ramp and no wind... thank god.


You won't understand...

    But I'm really fuckin excited about this.  An I just got 4 high5s.  Hell yes.

Best Burrito To Date!

I dream of you still.
    100% veggie burrito.  Italian Squash, zucchini, spinach, mushrooms, red onions, red bellpeppers, rice & beans.  Holy Mmm Mmm good!  Oh, an Gabes fucked up trio of fingers.


    The Smiths, backed up traffic, strange drivers, and about 17miles from SC.

Jason makes 3...

    Leaving Livermore, saw Brittney & Ashley.  Heading to Santa Cruz;  pickin up some mens, holla!  Then off to the LB!!!  Lucky me, a weekend full of boys, bikes & beers.

Bring It.

  • LB bound.
  • Born Free Show tmw.
  • Ink & Iron Sun? Maaaaaybe?

We'll see.
Weezy & LL being sung to me by THE Gabe :]

The beginning of my weekend w/ the boys.

    Headin to Livermore whilest Gabe works.  Then Jason, Gabe an myself are off to LBC for a show.  Updates to be had along this little adventure.