
Mission Failed.

Word to everyone: if I'm in the backseat, an you're talkin to me, chances are I won't hear you.
This is what happen w/ my failed mission. Rick was talkin about gettin beers, an brown baggin it. I barely heard and thought "beer. brown bag. awesome". Alas, we pulled into the gas station, I sat in the car whilest everyone got gas. Rick hands me a pounder an tells me "mission failed. You were supposed to get beer". Fail.

My Afternoon

Lotsa dudes. Lotsa flannel. Lotsa beer. Lotsa bikes.

Bout to get free tacos, and eat them whilest in line for the porta potty. Word.

My favorite <3 beautiful dog.

The beauty was quite the trooper.

Big Badaboom

    So seein someone I just met flip off his motorcycle on the shoulder of the freeway is crazy shit and now the CHP is bein a dick an takin his sweet time writing this report.

Good Morning Thousand Oaks.

Me, 4 dudes, a ramp and no wind... thank god.


You won't understand...

    But I'm really fuckin excited about this.  An I just got 4 high5s.  Hell yes.

Best Burrito To Date!

I dream of you still.
    100% veggie burrito.  Italian Squash, zucchini, spinach, mushrooms, red onions, red bellpeppers, rice & beans.  Holy Mmm Mmm good!  Oh, an Gabes fucked up trio of fingers.


    The Smiths, backed up traffic, strange drivers, and about 17miles from SC.

Jason makes 3...

    Leaving Livermore, saw Brittney & Ashley.  Heading to Santa Cruz;  pickin up some mens, holla!  Then off to the LB!!!  Lucky me, a weekend full of boys, bikes & beers.

Bring It.

  • LB bound.
  • Born Free Show tmw.
  • Ink & Iron Sun? Maaaaaybe?

We'll see.
Weezy & LL being sung to me by THE Gabe :]

The beginning of my weekend w/ the boys.

    Headin to Livermore whilest Gabe works.  Then Jason, Gabe an myself are off to LBC for a show.  Updates to be had along this little adventure.


There should be a BO squad that patrols the city like a smell gustapo to
sniff them out, strip them down and wash them w/ a big soapy brush.

-Seinfeld, s4

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard.

Go fuck yourself bald man,
I've seen more hair on bacon!


The Family Stone

you were a little girl
you were shoveling snow
you were justa lil girl in a flannel nightgown, and you were shoveling
snow from the walk in front of our house.
and I was the snow, and I was the snow and everywhere I landed
everything I covered, you scooped me up.
with a big red shovel, you scooped me up



The Million Dollar Hotel

I grew up with people you would call freaks, psychos, real basket cases.  Since I was the only one with an arm growing out of my back, walkin around hunched over like a Paleolithic man, I was the star attraction.  Yeah, even among the freaks.  I could play the violin and wipe my own ass all at the same time.
-Detective Skinner 


Don't you call me lady! ....
And you!!!  You fucking call me lady?!  Shame on you!!  Shame on you.


Lake Bled.


its a quaint little town
it was like a fairy tale
and its sooo quiet at night
there is this little bar that overlooks the lake
me and paul went to with these 2 other kids we met in our hostel
and when we got there there was a family of 4
all muscians
2 daughters dad and mom
the dad was playing acoustic and singing and his daughter would join in
so we sat there with beers and just listened to them alll night
it was awesome


The Million Dollar Hotel

Love can never be portrayed the same way as a tree, or the sea, or any other mystery.  Its the eyes with which we see.  Its the sinner and the saint.  Its the light inside the paint.


So, I talked to Ahmed.
I talked to my mom.
I googled and researched.
Australia is looking like it could happen

Downfall, I'd be leaving this winter,
to go to an Australian winter :p


Watching Saw:

    Ben Linus plays Zep, who tells the doctor his patients name is John.  The doctor who's being interviewed by Miles. SO much LOST!!!!!


Who's motorcycle is this?
Its a chopper.
Who's chopper is this?
Its Zebs,
Who's Zeb
Zebs dead.


Lindsay Lohan by Terry Richardson @ Milk.

Inbox disaster...

    In a hope to delete email and organize, I make the dumb mistake of reading some emails having to do with "I like waking up to you",  "I hope we get to fight in front of people someday because its ok to be weird
as a couple" and the many "I love you"s.

    Momentary lapse in good judgement.
    Most favorite memories though.



sunday, bloody sunday

    NY flashbacks all evening / night.  Was watching Night At The Museum, that made me feel weird.  Good memories, just not all about the "current" end result, or whatever it could be titled.  Then I was going through my old boss' NY Fashion Week photos and thought "wait, that looks familiar", clicked, and bam, it was Milk. lol.

    Now, I'm listening to U2 and GaGa while talking to Justin so that I can not get creeped out about disfigured men looking in my windows.  Thanks to watching the first hour of "The Box", I'm now weirded out.


So Long January...

    I think I'm going to do a resolution per month. Sounds fun and so far I've accomplished my "resolution" for January. If I choose to continue the resolution throughout the year, hot damn!! I'll complete 12 resolutions.

    So for January, I pretty much wanted to take it easy. Not be stressed, not let things get to me as easily as I normally do. Don't be bothered with the little things, take a second to cool off before getting all crazy. I think I can say I pretty much did just that, minus the 4-5 days I had minor "spells" around the 20th, but I still managed to use it for motivation.

    I had a bitchen birthday. The wife took me to SF to wander about and have drinks and be merry. That is exactly what we did. We parked in the TL (which we both have concluded is NOT that bad, just don't talk to the homeless) and hoofed it down to see Alex at Apple, then back to the TL to pay off the rest (or so we thought) of the meter time. Then on our merry ways to a pub Alex had told us about. Ordered myself some Jameson, and the wife a Guinness & portobello mushroom burger. We had a grand lil time chatting, then I got a lovely surprise when PB (Dan, for those who don't know him by my given nickname) called me to wish me happy birthday, "I hear it's your birthday. You're what? *pause* 22" hahah. Love that kid. Then after a couple or 3 more Jameson, we made friends with Giovanni and his friend Sean. Awesomely nice dudes. After about 20 minutes, Sean and Erika leave to go get me something. "If the bar sings to her, will it embarrass her?" "Yes" "Lets go, I ordered something". So's I chat with Gio and loose track of what had been previously talked about, then I hear it... "Happy Birthday...", the whole pub of random people. "God, that's really embarrasing" I think, then remember "SHIT! It's MY birthday". I swing around and there's Erika holding a big cupcake with a HUGE candle in it and Sean orchestrating the bar in song. I laugh, cover my face, blow out the candle and bow to applause. I hear the story of "they had no candles, so Sean took one out of a candelabra" and "I hope you like calamari, because I ordered you some." Amazing!!! So we 4 work on the cupcake which is outrageously good and rich and full of yum (and found out later, was from Buca Di Beppo, look out!) Then Sean and Gio say "O.K. Time to go, we're taking you girls ice skating! It's your birthday, you gotta do something fun!!!" We're stoked, all full of liquor and cupcake and we all head to the ice skating rink. It had been such a good night thus far, I wasn't even upset when there was a kids hockey league practicing and we could only watch and eat the calamari.
    After all of this excitement, the boys offer to walk us toward the car and we're again, on our merry way. All comes to a halt when we get to "the car" and its not our car. We'd been towed! It was a tow away zone (sign we had not seen) and we were without vehicle. Sean is kind enough to help the wife get a hold of the people and give us directions to the impound. We all say our goodbyes (in front of Whiskey Thieves, so sad we didn't make it in), and we head out because we have about 40 minutes before the impound fee goes up.

    Really long story so far, but it was an adventure of a night, so deal... We get the car, head back to the valley and meet up with Chelle at Wingstop. Only it's not just Chelle. It's Chelle, Brandon, Suzy, Michael, Gabe, Crystal & 2 friends. I get hugs and multiple birthday beers & a sweet dinosaur bag w/ a HP shirt in it from Suzy <3 After a bit, we all part and I head to Vierra's with Gabe, singing Lil Wayne the whole way. We arrive to a handful of Happy Birthdays and a few glasses of birthday Jameson.

    Night ended when I saw Danny and got hugs and had to do the unthinkable. Call the mom for a ride because I had no car and everyone was drunk. Well, everyone that was drunk, met my mom and she invited them over for dinner sometime soon (my mom loves cooking for people).

Gotta say, good day, good night, good people!

    That pretty much summed up the "epic" part of January. I also got invited to work at a craft fair and had an interview and am looking into the SF move (possibly), along with a handful of orders I've been busy with.

    Sooooooooooo... fare-thee-well, January
and let's do this up right, February!!

love, reggie


    Good Sunday:

  • computer fixed, virus gone, being sent home
  • sell a beanie
  • get my Lion Brand Yarn catalog
  • see Up In The Air (recommended!)
  • possibility of debt being paid off, and moms too.


Fantastic Mr Fox rules!!!

A titanium card?! How the cuss do you qualify for this? 
Wait a minute, what's with this thing, the whistle and clicking sound? 
Its my trademark!*



    The morning of this photo, it clicked that I have no interest in looking for "someone else".  Already found someone.  Now I'm working on the rest.  Then hopefully making it all work out.

    It was a good Monday.


THE Silent Comedy!!!

    Gotta say I'm pretty excited for Sunday, The Silent Comedy at Hemlock Tavern. Which is like saying, The Silent Comedy in Your Living Room!!!

    You've got mustaches!!, harmonica & banjo playing, dancing, yelling;  it honestly is a disservice to yourself if you don't go see this band when they come around.

    Aaand, to start off the weekend:  Harry Potter, wine, crocheting & friends tonight.

Also, Saturday my thoughts go out to the Stevenson family, and everyone else who was honored to have Howie in their lives. It marks the 5yr date of his death. RIP 143.

Howard "Howie" Stevenson



just the statement: She could have thrown the camera in the sand then whacked it with a stick until it flashed and it would still be one of the most beautiful images ever caught on film. cracked me up.

ok, I think since its 630 am, I'm going to try and squeeze in a couple hours of sleep before I get coffee, head to the wifes, then to JoAnns for more yarn, then post office to mail out orders, and the probably pass out/crash after I go back to the wifes and watch Harry Potter (more than likely)

have I mentioned lately how amazing my friends are and I love them so.