and about 6.5 hours from seeing Kalvin. who i miss dearly :( so.... here's some pictures:

reenactment of kalvins drinking on his bday

new persons i love.. em

justin & logan(my air guitar partner)
Me: ok. for serious, for a minute. I do love you. I'm really bummed I'm leaving, but hope to be back soon enough. I hope everything we've said to each other pans out. and I'm sorry about the living situation.
Kalvin: its ok
Kalvin: I love you too
Kalvin: and I love being around you
Kalvin: you have a calming effect on me that feels really great
Me: yeah. being around you, puts me at ease.
Kalvin: I like it
Me: and I don't think I could have said thank you, or how much I like you, or how much I love you... enough
Kalvin: me too
(blasted blogger cutting my photos in half :( )