
I want these shoes, that jacket an a redbull truck infront of my house.
if anyone can pull this off for me, I'll buy you coffee :]



    So last week we had the detectives over for lunch, this week, the motorcycle cops lol.  Feels like 10yrs ago when we used to have cops over every Thrs for foodies...


    A dress I wish had fit me a lil better.  Imagine, MY boobs were "too big" for it lol.  Then some glasses I found today, that I want so badly to be mine and prescription!
    At Starbucks reading right now, and look how cute the lil ballerina is.  Omg, she's drinking "vanilla milk", in response to a guy asking if it was chocolate :]

Walmarts version of American Apparel


Shakey likes her Starbucks too!
An I like samples :D
    Went to SF for 3 days, it was nice.  I stayed w/ Alex and we had Thai and hung out.  Then I had my coffee and read on the way home. I almost debated riding the BART back an forth, I have a lil crush on public