
This lil guy ran up into erikas yard, and went crazy, he's so cute


    Last night the cats crawled up on me an watched a movie w/ me for a bit before I paaaaaassed out.
    Woke up, got Spencer ready for his ride by 730, sent Felix off to the bus at 805, an sweet talked Charlie outta bed to take him to preschool.  The mini van isn't so bad, drives nice, an kicks ass when you find the
Depeche Mode cd, woop!  As for this very moment, my little tour guide helped me find a coffee shop and we're having a bagel for lunch :D


    Day 1 on my own... Spencer n Felix were at school all day, Charlie an I watched movies.  Then they got home, did hw, then we ran around an played like we were Mad Eye Moody before swimming practice.  I read, and Charlie watched Spongebob w/ the lil neighbor girl on iPod... then home, dinner, Harry Potter, medicine, brush those teeth, read stories and off to bed :]
    I almost drown in the huge tub, so cool!!



    I've been at Starbucks for about 4hours now, with Erika.  I came here to read, but that's proven to not work with us. She's doing good now, but I can't concentrate.  Know that twitch you get in your leg sometimes if that certain nerve gets hit?  My leg has been doing that for the past 30 minutes.
    And now, I'm officially overthinking, and it's driving me nuts. On top of that, I'm listening to the Stay soundtrack that I'm madly in love with, so it just leads me to thinking more, and with more ease.

    I want to just quit on boys, friends & crushes alike.  Quit seeming so fuckin excited to talk to them, or get in touch with them.

    Kalvin doesn't really wanna talk because he likes me too much, which just seems like an excuse to dismiss me. wtf, bs.
    Anthony, idk.  He's busy, which I know.  But then this last month, we didn't talk much.  But I don't want to
seem like that crazy girl who likes him an won't leave him alone.
    Alex. shit lol, I just adore the guy, he's sweet & an awesome friend when I actually get to see him. I'm only hoping that I don't (again) seem like the crazy girl who won't leave him alone.  But I do want to be better at keeping in touch since its a rarity when he comes through town.

    I just want it to be "OK" to be friends with guys, without them freaking out.  Or their fuckin girlfriends banning them from friendship, thats some BS.  fuckers.  Also, I don't want to be the girl chasing boy. a boy that I will probably never have a chance with in the first place.

The Silent Comedy

owns me


G.Damn Vampires

  • 130 am, I just finished Twilight.
  • Jealous of people watching the midnight showing.
  • Seriously debated going to Wal Mart, to buy the 2nd book :x
  • Excited for the movie, but still apprehensive...

    The Cullens & Hales look, egh...
2.5 days to finish this 500 page book. Fool, it took me a month to finish the 500 page HP: Order of the Phoenix (aside from it boring me, least fave of the 7).  Point being, I loved the book.  I'm totally shocked at how much I did.  An ready for this, I fuckin cried like 4 times!  I'm glad I just read it, and I haven't been obsessed and waiting for the movie for months... (as some Twilight fans have been).

    I already have Harry Potter: the Half Blood Prince to obsess about... which I'm PISSED that its not out today a originally scheduled.  Probably would have been confusing kids...Cedric Diggory vs Edward Cullen. oh my.
    Anywho... I'm going to attempt sleep, wake up, have coffee, maaaaybe buy New Moon,
then prep for The Silent Comedy, WOO!!


forgot I have this..

    I've been horrible at updating lately.
    Last week was a whirlwind.  Went to the Partisan with the wife, then Hotel Utah with Milo, then Regal Ballroom with Chelle.  Whew.  Oh and I got a ticket and survived on no money cause my check was


so duh, crush on the guy.
    one of my favorite moments tonight was being at the party, talkin to my friends for a bit, then turning around to see him there. leaning on his friend, look at me, then smile.  i sound like a dork huh?  aside from that, after walking in the house to with anthony x 2 to find brittaney, I see davy, then nick, who about has a heart attack, then sergio runs to me an squeezes the life outta me.  so happy to see him.  then erik, and bam from the right, here's britt :] so cute. she was bowser, her brother was mario hehe.
    then after that I see matt & thomas, austin, milo, aaron, couple people who knew me, but wasn't sure I knew them, saw the Shark & the Eagle, kristen, chuck, kristjon(sc), and more I can't think of... mingled more than I thought I would, an sat in the living room w/ anthony & an incredibly drunk austin.  lol, laying by me austin says "reggie, you're beautiful! I normally wouldn't have the balls to say that.  but you're beautiful", I thought it was cute.  anthony squared an brittany went outside for a bit an sergio swooped in an we chatted a bit... after anthony squared an britt came back in, I got to see justin, then migrated to the kitchen, only shortly thereafter being told the cops were there an everyone had to leave.
    in the midst of all this, I tried to talk to austin, made plans to go to nicks again & to matt an thomas', then anthony did the smile thing, an we talked for a minute before we said bye to people and headed out.  a group of us left an I distributed hugs as best as I could, then accidentally rushed a g'bye to the guy :[ which bummed me out.  drove around for a bit after, then talked to E, looker, milo an the wife a bit then came home around 2(after daylight savings).
    Now, I'm gettin ready to pass out, then figure out what to do tomorrow... SF would be nice


Fw: Whyyyyy

-----Original Message-----
From: itty bitty
To: Reggie
Subject: Whyyyyy
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 22:55:50 -0600

Don't post shit like thissssssss


Now people who don't know you will think you don't care.
I would be so sad if your flip of the coin landed on mccain :[


I want these shoes, that jacket an a redbull truck infront of my house.
if anyone can pull this off for me, I'll buy you coffee :]



    So last week we had the detectives over for lunch, this week, the motorcycle cops lol.  Feels like 10yrs ago when we used to have cops over every Thrs for foodies...


    A dress I wish had fit me a lil better.  Imagine, MY boobs were "too big" for it lol.  Then some glasses I found today, that I want so badly to be mine and prescription!
    At Starbucks reading right now, and look how cute the lil ballerina is.  Omg, she's drinking "vanilla milk", in response to a guy asking if it was chocolate :]

Walmarts version of American Apparel


Shakey likes her Starbucks too!
An I like samples :D
    Went to SF for 3 days, it was nice.  I stayed w/ Alex and we had Thai and hung out.  Then I had my coffee and read on the way home. I almost debated riding the BART back an forth, I have a lil crush on public