
I Feel Like I'm In 4th Grade!!!

    So, Rose comes home today and puts on some music and I hear the Mortal Kombat theme in the mix!  I get amped and find the soundtrack online and have been listening to it for the past hour at least.  This got me in a comic kind of mood and I soon realized how many comic movies are coming out this year!!!  Seriously am so excited, makes me remember when I was in 4th grade and I used to walk to the comic book store with my friend Jenna to get new cards, comics & (some) pogs.  We would geek out and watch X-Men, trade cards, organize our binders (I still have all mine and will never part with them), it was just the best time ever! 
  • X-Men
  • Thor
  • Captain America:  The First Avenger
I kid you not, my eyes almost fell out of my head watching this.  Looks brilliant!
  • Green Lantern
  • The Avengers:  Rise of the Superior
  • Spiderman 4 (in the making)

I am what you would call "giddy".  Cannot wait!!!


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