
Six; I will not stop until I succeed!

    One; I will never leave anything to chance again. Two; I will marry the girl on my motorcycle. Three; I'll be rich. Four; we'll have a house. A big house, painted yellow, with a garden. And two children, Paul and Michael. Five; I'll have a convertible. A red convertible! And a swimming pool, I'll learn to swim. Six; I will not stop until I succeed!

    -Nemo;  Mr Nobody

    Aside from the fact that you need to get a hold of this movie and watch it, I have to say that I'm pretty excited about the new show FX picked up.  Its originally (from what I've skimmed) a show from Australia I believe, it stars Elijah Wood and is called:

    I hadn't heard a thing about this until yesterday, there was a preview with Elijah in bed tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable.  Pan out and he says "get off the bed" to a man in a dog costume.  Instantly I wanted it to be June!


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