
Music Within.

Richard - You want to repeat that to my face?
Nikos - What?
Christine - What did you say?
Richard - What?
Christine - You heard me.
Richard - No I didn't actually, I'm deaf. But I can see what you're saying from over there.
Nikos - Hey, easy tiger don't get your knickers in a twist. First of you don't need to eaves drop on a private conversation. Secondly, I can say whatever I want.
Richard - Ya? So can I, you're an asshole. My friend, he's not a retard, actually he's probably smarter than the 3 of us put together. He's certainly smarter than you. He's got cerebral palsy see, it affects his motor skills. Which means his brain is perfectly functioning while his body is more or less useless. If you have a little trouble wrapping your head around that, think of it as the opposite of you. Asshole.

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